Dr. Christie Stewart, Acting Associate Director
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Christie Stewart has stepped into the role of Acting Associate Director for OTL. Christie has been an Educational Developer in OTL since 2020, during which time she has had the privilege of collaborating with many faculty, instructors, staff and graduate students. With these partnerships, she has worked on incorporating evidence-informed pedagogical practices in program and course design, developing communities of practice, and advancing key institutional initiatives such as the Teaching and Learning Network and the University Teaching Leadership Fellows.
Before joining UofG, Christie held educational development positions at the University of Windsor and St. Clair College. She also served as an Assistant Professor and instructor in Environmental Science and Biology for over a decade at Western University, Huron University College, and St. Clair College. Her research focuses on using communities of practice to support instructor development, cultivate transformative learning, and foster a sense of belonging.