One Health News & Events
Don't miss out on the details on One Health conferences and events, and our most recent faculty profile, student profile and YouTube videos. That and so much more in this week's newsletter!
Faculty Focus:
We have been busy releasing Faculty Focus articles with stories about faculty all across our campus. Check them out!
Dr. Jeff Wichtel
New Undergraduate Program Ready to be Launched
OVC Dean Jeff Wichtel, Chair of the Advisory Board of the University of Guelph One Health Institute, has been leading the charge, along with other university leaders and faculty, to establish the inaugural One Health undergraduate program at the University of Guelph.
This degree program will be the first of its kind. Its focus will be on giving students the skills and confidence to create multidisciplinary teams, analyze systems, and to solve complex issues.
Wichtel's interest in the interface between humans, animals and the environment has evolved from his roles as a farm animal veterinarian in New Zealand, and via his work with organizations such as Veterinarians Without Borders, and Farmers Helping Farmers in Kenya. He was also Chair of the Department of Population Health at the University of PEI, a department which has a strong ecosystem health focus.
Read more about Jeff and the new undergraduate program here.
Discover Other Faculty Focus Articles
Dr. Paul Woods, Clinical Studies - Novel Immune Therapy May Hold Promise for Human and Canine Cancer Patients
Dr. Robert Hanner, Integrative Biology - Preventing and Exposing Fish Fraud with Advanced Biotechnology
Dr. Rozita Dara, Computer Science - Preventing Future Pandemics using Social Media and Search Engines
Dr. Heather Murphy, Pathobiology - Kids' Health Improves with UV-treated Well Water
Dr. Brandon Gilroyed, Environmental Sciences - What is the Right Way to Deal with Livestock Mortaility?
Dr. Theresa Bernardo, Population Medicine - Local Health Informatics Expert Making a Global Impact
Dr. Andrew Bailey, Philosophy - Consciousness Defies Every Form of Measurement, says Professor
Dr. Philip Loring, Geography - Traditional Grazing Practice a Win-Win for Communiity and Cattle
Plus more on our Faculty Focus page!
New! Student Spotlight
In our Student Spotlight section, we will be featuring University of Guelph students engaged in One Health-related research.
Grace Nichol
A 'Tick-y' Subject: Master's Student Embraces the Complexity of Ticks and Tick-borne Disease.
As an undergraduate summer research student, Grace Nichol was introduced to Dr. Katie Clow’s research on ticks and tick-borne diseases for the first time.
Now, as a Master’s student in Epidemiology (and enrolled in the Collaborative Specialization in One Health), Nichol has been collecting data and creating models of where American dog ticks and Rocky Mountain wood ticks are located and where they might be expanding their habitat range. This research has become increasingly important because – similar to other ticks like the blacklegged ticks – these ticks carry pathogens that can infect animals and humans.
She uses a One Health approach because many factors are potentially at play, including climate change, wildlife health and animal and human population distributions.
Read more about how One Health is related to her research here.
One Health Affiliated Faculty List
Are you a University of Guelph faculty member who conducts research that is One Health-related?
Please check out our One Health affiliated faculty list for a list of campus faculty who have self-identified as One Health researchers.
We are currently updating this list and if you would like to be added, please send a photo along with your research interests to
If you like to be removed from this list, or if there are faculty on this list who are no longer at the University of Guelph, we would like to know that too. Thank you!
We're Now on LinkedIn!
One Health at the University of Guelph is now on LinkedIn. Come follow us and spread the word within your own networks!
We'll be posting everything related to One Health on campus, including faculty and student profiles, seminars, links to videos, and details on upcoming events.
The 2021 OVC Graduate Student Research Symposium
Abstracts are due June 1st for the OVC Graduate Student Research Symposium. The Symposium showcases the fantastic work that graduate students are doing across the college to continue to advance scientific research in animal, human, and environmental health.
There will be a speaker panel on One Health Informatics and graduate students will give three- or seven-minute presentations on their research.
2021 University of Calgary Summer Institute, May 31 to June 24
The University of Calgary's One Health Summer Institute aims to provide learners an opportunity to explore the concept of One Health and to build on their disciplinary expertise. This will enable them to contribute meaningfully to transdisciplinary teams.
The courses are available to students from all levels and disciplines, and also to professionals and adult learners interested in One Health from around the world.
The Summer Institute consists of six theme-based courses. Each week will focus on one or two subject areas or themes: Foundations of One Health (May 31-June 4), Setting a Foundation for Community-Engaged Research with Indigenous Peoples (June 7), Waste/Wastewater (June 8-10), Introduction to Bioinformatics (June 14-16), Principles of Biostatistics (June 14-25) and Entrepreneurial Thinking in One Health (June 21-24).
Financial support to attend one or more courses is available via a bursary program. Application deadlines are staggered; the first being May 24th.
2021 Global 1HN Summer Institute, June 14-16
The Global One Health Network's Summer Institute will bring together students and professionals locally and internationally to explore One Health (OH) global governance of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with a topical focus on the global governance of SARS-CoV2.
The 3-day course will offer in depth sessions on One Health principles and provide knowledge and skills on how to operationalize the One Health approach to improve the global governance of infectious diseases.
Participants will engage through live, synchronous sessions, small group discussion and asynchronous self-paced components. Participants will commit to 12 hours of interaction/instruction
over the three days, with a mix of lecturing and discussion, group learning, and advanced reading.
The Global One Health Network's Summer Institute will also provide an opportunity to network with fellow professionals in the clinical and research fields of infectious diseases.
To register, visit the 2021 Global 1HN Summer Institute website.
New! Assistant Professor Position in One Health at the University of Guelph
The Department of Integrative Biology in the College of Biological Sciences is hiring for an Assistant Professor in an area consistent with the One Health perspective. The deadline is June 1st.
The successful candidate may employ any number of approaches, ranging from theoretical to experimental, and can be either field- or lab-based. They are especially interested in candidates whose focus is on promoting and maintaining a state of health at one or more levels of biological organization (organisms, populations, ecosystems, global environment/climate), within the broad context of the environment and ecosystem health pillar of One Health.
Upcoming One Health-related Conferences
International Conference on One Health, 2021 on May 24 to 25 in London, UK, and July 19 to 20 in Paris. This virtual conference aims to bring together scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share experiences and research results on all aspects of One Health.
One Health European Joint Programme annual scientific meeting is June 9 to 11, online and in Copenhagen. Discover the newest research results in One Health, in particular in foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging threats.
Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association hybrid conference is July 22 to 25, 2021, in Calgary, Alberta. Register for access to 80 hours of continuing education, and a virtual exhibit hall & social programs.
American Veterinary Medical Association hybrid convention is July 29 to August 1, 2021, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Missed one of our events? No problem. Find out more about past events below and on the One Health website & YouTube channel.
The One Health Seminar Series on YouTube
Past One Health seminars are available to watch on our YouTube channel. Recordings will be updated and uploaded here. Enjoy!
Dr. Lawrence Goodridge, Food Science (Mar. 26, 2021) - Salmonella Syst-OMICS: Applying the One Health Approach for Improved Food Safety
Dr. Daniel Gillis, School of Computer Science (Mar. 11, 2021) - One Year, One Health
Dr. Kathyrn Fair, School of Environmental Sciences (Feb, 26, 2021) - Physical Distancing, School/Workplace Closure & COVID-19 Disease Burden: How Many Lives did We Save?
Dr. Emily Denstedt, Wildlife Conservation Society, Laos (Feb. 12, 2021) - Wildlife, Wild Places, and Spillover: Insights from the Field
Dr. Cate Dewey, Population Medicine, OVC (Jan. 29, 2021) - Pigs, Poverty and Epilepsy
Dr. Graham Taylor, School of Engineering (Nov. 18, 2020) - How Experimental Psychology Can Help Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Jennifer Provencher, Science and Technology Branch at Environment and Climate Change Canada (Nov. 4, 2020) - Plastic Pollution and Wildlife Health
Dr. Robert Hanner, Integrative Biology (Oct. 21, 2020) - The Role of DNA Barcoding and Environmental DNA-based Biomonitoring in Support of a One Health Agenda
Drs. Deb Stacey and Theresa Bernardo (Sept. 23, 2020) - The Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A New Addition to One Health Data Resources.
Check the University of Guelph's COVID-19 website for regular campus-wide updates.
Remember to check out our News & Events page and our events calendar for up-to-date listing of webinars, conferences, and symposia of special interest to our U of G community.
Stay connected!
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*One Health Student Committee Instagram @OneHealthUofG