3MT College Heat

Date and Time





3MT® is a university-wide competition for graduate students in which participants present their research, creative activity, and its wider impact in 3 minutes or less to a panel of non-specialist judges. The challenge is to present complex research in an engaging, accessible and compelling way, using only one slide.

3MT® is not an exercise in trivializing or ‘dumbing-down’ research but forces students to consolidate their ideas and discoveries to become transferable after graduation. For the 2021 3MT® Competition, each college will hold an online competition in order to decide upon two finalists who will advance to the University of Guelph 3MT® Final Competition on a date this spring to be announced. The public is invited to cheer on the contestants in both the college heats and the final competition. The winner of the University of Guelph 3MT® competition will move on to a virtual Provincial Finals this summer.

The CEPS 3MT® (Three Minute Thesis) College Heat will be held virtually on Teams on Tuesday, March 8th from 2:00pm. to 3:30 p.m. EST. Provided you meet the eligibility criteria, you are invited to participate!

CEPS Heat award winners will receive the following cash prizes:

  • 1st place - $500
  • 2nd place - $250

For more information on 3MT® eligibility criteria and presentation rules, please visit the University of Guelph 3MT® website. To register for the College Heat, please complete the attached form and email it to ndery@uoguelph.ca by Monday, February 28, 2022.

To watch the 3MT College Heat event, click this link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OGY0YjljZDItNjE0NS00MmNlLWEzM2EtYTUyYzI4ZmQ5MmMy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22be62a12b-2cad-49a1-a5fa-85f4f3156a7d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2205ab971f-3f00-42d2-8bdf-591468a99318%22%7d

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