One Health News & Events
Don't miss out on the details for our upcoming seminars and for upcoming One Health conferences and events, including abstract submission guidelines for this year's CPHAZ symposium. That and so much more in this week's newsletter!
One Health Seminar Series - Dr. Daniel Gillis, Today at 2:00!
One Year, One Health
Over the last year, COVID-19 has dominated almost every aspect of our lives. In this talk, Dr. Gillis will present several ongoing COVID-19 research projects spanning the domains of computer science, mathematics, and public health. While the talk will focus on the use of scenario analysis and agent based models; data issues, science communication, and collaboration also will be discussed.
Dr. Gillis spends most of his time working on interdisciplinary teams which have focused on public health assessment, and natural resource management, software design, and pedagogy. This has included collaborative projects with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Inuit of Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and the Saugeen Ojibway First Nations, to name a few.
Join us on Thursday, March 11th, 2:00 to 3:00 via Zoom using the following link
Our Next Speaker in the One Health Seminar Series will be Dr. Lawrence Goodridge on March 26th.
Dr. Goodridge is the Leung Family Professor of Food Safety and Director of the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety. Save the Date!
CPHAZ Annual Symposium Abstracts Due Today; Thursday, March 11th
CPHAZ Annual Symposium May 20th, 2021
The Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses (CPHAZ) Symposium is a one-day, virtual event that brings together all pillars and forms of public health and zoonotic disease work and research.
Abstracts can be submitted by completing this survey. Submission deadline for abstract submission is
Thursday, March 11th, 2021.
CPHAZ encourages everyone working in public health and zoonotic disease related areas to submit abstracts, either for a 15-minute oral presentation, or a 2-minute poster presentation.
If you don’t have a topic ready to present, but are interested in the areas listed you can register for free by completing this survey.
If you have any questions please contact CPHAZ at
The 2021 Robert W. Woolner Undergraduate Summer Research Studentship in One Health Winners have been Announced
Congratulations to Prof. Amy Newman, Department of Integrative Biology, and Prof. Katie Clow, Department of Population Medicine, for being the recipients of the two Woolner Studentships for 2021.
The Woolner Studentship is awarded to a University of Guelph faculty member conducting One Health research and is used to support an undergraduate student on a One Health-related research project over the summer. Congratulations!
Farmer-led Research Webinar on Friday, March 12th
Farmer-led Research in the Resilience of Rural Communities
Students in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph have organized the first international conversation on Farmer-led Research which is happening on Friday, March 12th from 10:00 to noon.
This webinar will consist of a panel discussion with five remarkable individuals with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. They will share their experiences with farmer-led research projects and initiatives and how the different actors involved can contribute to agri-food system resiliency.
Please register by clicking here.
International Women's Day
There are many incredible women working in One Health at the University of Guelph, across Canada and around the world. We profiled 28 of these women this past Monday, March 8th, for International Women's Day.
We have split these profiles across both our Instagram and Twitter accounts. We encourage you to visit both platforms to read about the women who embrace a One Health approach in their professional and academic lives.
New! One Health Seminar on YouTube : Dr. Emily Denstedt
Our newest One Health seminar featuring Dr. Emily Denstedt is now on YouTube!
Wildlife, Wild Places, and Spillover: Insights from the Field
Dr. Denstedt leads the Wildlife Conservation Society's Wildlife Health program in Laos. She and her team are building a wildlife health surveillance network that works to identify where and how health risks are emerging, while taking action towards the conservation of biodiversity and intact landscapes using a One Health approach at a national scale.
Watch Dr. Denstedt discuss her efforts to build a wildlife health surveillance network in Laos here.
New! Faculty Focus Article: Dr. Lawrence Goodridge
We have been busy releasing Faculty Focus articles with stories about professors all across our campus. Check them out!
Genetics a Useful Tool for Predicting Salmonella Outbreaks
Did you know that outbreaks of Salmonella can be predicted and prevented using genome sequencing? Prof. Lawrence Goodridge of the Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety in the Food Science Department is passionate about understanding foodborne pathogens and believes we don't have to wait unitl people get sick to react.
Read about why One Health is necessary in his research here.
Discover Our Other Faculty Focus Articles
Building Resilience to Tackle Big Health Challenges
Epidemiologists can’t stop disasters like the next pandemic or antimicrobial resistance. Instead, we need to focus on the societal aspects of these issues. Ontario Veterinary College Prof. Jane Parmley is working to discover how to make our vulnerable populations – whether human, wildlife, or agricultural – more resilient, and how to make healthy decision-making easier.
Learn how One Health helps achieve that goal here.
Prof. Travis Steffens, Sociology and Anthropology - Lasting Lemur Conservation Relies on Multiple Agents
Prof. Amy Newman, Integrative Biology - More Songbirds May Sing Thanks to Agricultural Restoration
Prof. Cate Dewey, Population Medicine - Teamwork Tackles Troubling Complex Health Issue in Rural Kenya
Prof. Deb Stacey, Computer Science - Cloud Computing - and Trust – Needed for Global Disease Research, says Researcher
Prof. Katie Clow, Population Medicine - The Two Sides of the One Health Coin: Research and Pedagogy
Prof. Gus Skorburg, Philosophy - Obesity Debates Ignoring Disease Complexity, Researcher Says
CPHAZ Student Mentorship Events
The Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses (CPHAZ) hosts Student Mentorship events in the winter semester; the next two being March 23rd and April 6th.
These mentorship events are an opportunity for University of Guelph students to interact with a One Health professional in academia, public health, and research sectors. These virtual events use Microsoft Teams and there is limited enrollment, so don't wait to register! For more information about this event and for registration please go to the CPHAZ website.
When? Tuesday, March 23 and April 6, 2021
Who? Mar 23 – Dr. Danielle Julien | DVM, MPH, PhD
April 6 – Dr. Sue Kilborn | DVM, DVSc, DACVIM (SAIM)
Time? 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Where? Virtually using Microsoft Teams
Who can attend? Any undergraduate or graduate students from the University of Guelph
Cost? It’s FREE, but there will be limited enrollment of only 8 students per mentor
If you have any questions about the event please contact Julia Luca, the CPHAZ Program Coordinator, at
One Health Student Committee

OHSC Survivor!!
The One Health Student Committee has organized a game of OHSC Survivor to raise funds for the Iqaluit Humane Society and OHSC-funded scholarships.
The OHSC invites all University of Guelph faculty, staff and students to register for a chance to win an LCBO gift card while contributing to the Committee's fund-raising efforts.
Registration is open until Friday, March 19th. Contact Emily Robinson ( to register. The cost to particpate is $15 (with two immunities available per person for $5 each)
Starting Monday, March 22nd, draws will take place each workday to determine who has been eliminated from OHSC Survivor until only three 'survivors' remain, all of whom will win gift cards!
Missed an event? No problem! Find out more about past events below and on the One Health website & YouTube channel.
The One Health Seminar Series on YouTube
Past One Health seminars are available to watch on our YouTube channel. Recordings will be regularly updated and uploaded here. Enjoy!
Profs. Deb Stacey and Theresa Bernardo (Sept. 23, 2020) - The Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A New Addition to One Health Data Resources.
Prof. Robert Hanner, Integrative Biology (Oct. 21, 2020) - The Role of DNA Barcoding and Environmental DNA-based Biomonitoring in Support of a One Health Agenda
Dr. Jennifer Provencher, Science and Technology Branch at Environment and Climate Change Canada (Nov. 4, 2020) - Plastic Pollution and Wildlife Health
Prof. Graham Taylor, School of Engineering (Nov. 18, 2020) - How Experimental Psychology Can Help Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Cate Dewey, Population Medicine, OVC (Jan. 29, 2021) - Pigs, Poverty and Epilepsy
Dr. Emily Denstedt, Wildlife Conservation Society, Laos (Feb. 12, 2021) - Wildlife, Wild Places, and Spillover: Insights from the Field
Check the University of Guelph's COVID-19 website for regular campus-wide updates.
Remember to check out our News & Events page and our events calendar for up-to-date listing of webinars, conferences, and symposia of special interest to our U of G community.
Stay connected!
*One Health WEBSITE
*One Health Twitter @OneHealthUofG
*One Health Student Committee Instagram @OneHealthUofG