One Health News & Events
Hello One Health community!
Starting this fall, our newsletter will be sent out every other Thursday. If you have One Health news you would like to share, send us an email:
In this issue...
Opportunities: Collaborative Specialization in One Health Information Session | Call for One Health Student Opportunities | 2020 Latornell Student Day - Call for Abstracts
Updates & Reminders: One Health Student Committee - Summer in Review | One Health Institute YouTube channel
Upcoming Webinars & Events: Fall 2020 One Health Seminar Series | SEDRD Speaker Series | Advancing One Health in Canada's North Through Improved Access to Animal Care | Nature for Life Hub | Interprofessional Education & One Health: How Ready are MD and DVM Students? | The 2020 Hammond Lecture
Past Webinars & Events: A One Health Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic
SAVE THE DATE - Collaborative Specialization in One Health (CSOH) Information Session
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 | 12:30PM-1:30PM | Virtual
The CSOH prepares future leaders for the complex challenges at the confluence of human, animal, and environmental health, working across disciplinary boundaries, conducting multidisciplinary research, mobilizing knowledge, and informing policy.
Prospective graduate students apply to their primary program of interest (which must be a participating CSOH program) and identify One Health as an area of focus. If a student is admitted to the primary program, they are then eligible for admission to the CSOH. At that time, applicants will be required to submit a letter of intent. *Note: Incoming and current graduate students in participating programs are eligible to apply.
Applications to the CSOH are due on November 1, 2020. This information session will provide an overview of the CSOH and letter of intent. It will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the CSOH.
Stay tuned for the link to join this live virtual session!
Call for One Health Student Opportunities
Are you a University of Guelph One Health Institute affiliated faculty member? Do you have research opportunities for students, or are you looking for lab volunteers?
We want to know! Please email us ( and tell us more about any opportunities you may have available and whether you are seeking undergraduate or graduate students.
2020 Latornell Student Day - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
The 2020 Latornell Student Day theme is “Diversity: The Foundation of Ecosystems & Societies”. The symposium aims to emphasize interconnectedness in sustainability by creating a platform that highlights diversity, equity, and inclusion in conservation research and practice.
The free half-day virtual event on Friday, November 20th, 2020, will highlight student research with direct relevance to conservation practice in Ontario. Students in all fields of research from arts and humanities to economics, agricultural and environmental sciences are welcome to submit a 150-word proposal by October 9th, 2020.
Proposals will be selected based on relevance to conservation practice. Selected speakers will be notified by mid-October.
Contact Angela Asuncion or Dr. Nicolas Brunet, if you have any questions.
One Health Student Committee (OHSC) - Summer in Review:
As we prepare for the fall, OHSC wants to say THANK YOU to everyone who joined us this summer and supported the new One Health Coffee House (BYOC) and (Net)Working Wednesday S20 initiatives! We hosted 11 coffee houses (student research bites/journal clubs) and 3 networking sessions. Check out the full list of coffee house and networking sessions and all available recordings.
It was a lot of fun meeting so many talented One Health enthusiasts and hearing about your unique perspectives - we really learned a lot this summer! Have an amazing start to the school year, everyone, and we hope to see you again at future events - stay tuned!
Tune in to our new One Health YouTube Channel!
Head over to the U of G One Health YouTube channel to watch recordings of past One Health Coffee House and (NET)working Wednesday events. Stay tuned for more to come on the channel!
Upcoming Webinars & Events
Fall 2020 One Health Seminar Series
We are excited to announce that our Fall 2020 One Health Seminar Series is kicking off next week! We have a great lineup of speakers from a variety of disciplines. It's an excellent opportunity to learn more and hear about One Health work here at the University of Guelph. Everyone is welcome - we hope you will join us!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | 12:30PM-1:20PM (EDT) | Virtual
Make sure to tune in to the first talk as Dr. Deborah Stacey (Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science) and Dr. Theresa Bernardo (Professor in the Department of Population Medicine & IDEXX Chair) discuss "The Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A New Addition to One Health Data Resources".
Click the following link to watch live on Sept. 23rd:
School of Environmental Design and Rural Development Speaker Series
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM (EDT) | Virtual
Angela Penagos, Colombia Office Director at the Latin American Centre for Rural Development (RIMISP), will be discussing "The Transformation of the Rural Territories: A Challenge for Latin American Institutions".
The SEDRD Speaker Series is a great opportunity to learn new information, new research methods, and/or extend your networks. There is no registration required - simply click the Zoom hyperlink, below, to tune in.
Meeting ID: 827 0358 0828, Passcode: 838393
Advancing One Health in Canada's North Through Improved Access to Animal Care
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020 | 10:30AM - 6:30PM (EDT) | Virtual
Veterinarians Without Borders/Vétérinaires Sans Frontières is pleased to announce this online summit to discuss animal health in Canada’s North. The goal of the summit is to generate an open dialogue about challenges and opportunities related to animal care, particularly in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
The summit will include presentations by Northern community members, wildlife officers, veterinarians, educators and others on topics such as First Aid for Dogs, Raising a Healthy, Happy Dog, Careers in Animal Care and Management, and the Historical Use of Working Dogs in Canada’s North. This summit is part of the Northern Animal Health Initiative. Register here.
The Nature for Life Hub
September 24-25 and 28-29, 2020 | Virtual
To coincide with the 75th UN General Assembly, and leading up to the UN Biodiversity Summit, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, Convention on Biological Diversity and partners are creating a four-day Nature for Life Hub — a virtual space where global and local leaders will share stories on the importance of nature for sustainable development. The Nature for Life Hub will run a total of eighteen sessions (between 60 and 90 minutes each). All events will showcase nature-based solutions in policy, in practice, in communities – but most of all, in action.
Make sure to check out Day 1 Session 2 – Nature for Health and Security
Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 | 11:00-12:30 PM (EDT)
This session will explore various dimensions of nature’s contribution to health, security and wellbeing, with a focus on “One Health Approach,” and will chart a pathway toward a safer, healthier, more secure future for all.
Interprofessional Education & One Health: How Ready are MD and DVM Students?
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020 | 11:00AM - 12:00PM (EDT) | Virtual
In this One Health Social Sciences Initiative webinar, the speaker will discuss the comparative differences in readiness of MD, DVM and MD MPH and DVM MPH students for Interprofessional Education and their understanding of the One Health concept. She will also present the faculty perceptions across these three programs on the factors that influence these differences, and the opportunities & challenges for developing Interprofessional Education that familiarises students with One Health principles.
Register here to receive your unique login link.
SAVE THE DATE - 2020 Hammond Lecture
October 7, 2020 | 5PM (EDT) | Virtual
We are thrilled to be collaborating with the University of Guelph's School of Environmental Sciences to bring you this year's Hammond Lecture with a One Health focus. The event will feature keynote speaker Dr. Karen Kidd who holds the Stephen A. Jarislowsky Chair in Environmental Health and is a Professor jointly in the Department of Biology and the School of Earth, Environment and Society at McMaster University. She will be joined by University of Guelph panelists Dr. Paul Sibley (School of Environmental Sciences), Dr. Heather Murphy (Department of Pathobiology), and Dr. Claire Jardine (Department of Pathobiology).
Stay tuned for the link to join this live event!
"A One Health Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Health experts from the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College took part in a round table panel discussion on ‘A One Health Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic’ moderated by Lauren Grant (Research Manager, OVC). Watch the recording here.
Featured panelists Professors Amy Greer, Scott Weese, and Katie Clow discussed:
- What is “One Health”?
- Why is a One Health approach useful to respond to this pandemic?
- Top recommendations to policymakers and other stakeholders for preventing future zoonotic transmission with pandemic potential
Check the University of Guelph's COVID-19 website for regular campus-wide updates.
Remember to check out the Upcoming Events page on our website for a listing of webinars, conferences, and symposia of special interest to our U of G community.
*One Health WEBSITE
*One Health Twitter: @OneHealthUofG
*One Health Student Committee Instagram: @OneHealthUofG