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One Health Institute | Community of Practice

One Health at the University of Guelph

 One Health Seminar

 "We Are in This Together: Bringing an   Anthropological Perspective to One   Health Research in Madagascar" 
Dr. Travis Steffens (CSAHS)

 Tuesday, February 25, 2020.
 12-1 pm.
 MacKinnon Building 019 (map)

The One Health Institute is pleased to offer a summer research studentship ($8,000 for 14 weeks) engaged in a One Health research project. 

To apply, faculty members working on a One Health-related research project can submit a short description of their research and expected student responsibilities. 

Applications are due by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21st. (That's next Friday!)

For more information, and a link to the application form, please visit our website: sites.uoguelph.ca/onehealth/ohi-2020-summer-studentship/

Questions? Get in touch! onehealth@uoguelph.ca

**Save the Date!**



MAY 2020

Looking for approaches that can help you and your research or practice contribute to regenerative processes healing people, animals, ecosystems and the planet?

Discover innovative and dynamic approaches for better understanding the multiple factors which influence health – ecosystem approaches to health – with an experienced, pan-Canadian team. During this intensive course, you will learn methods for carrying out research and interventions on issues at the confluence of health, the environment and society.

COPEH-Canada Course and Webinar Series

**Call for Abstracts**

The Program Planning Committee of the 2020 One Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference invites interested trainees (students and post-docs) and researchers to submit poster abstracts related to all aspects of antimicrobial stewardship in Animal Health, Public Health and/or Environmental Health. Students are encouraged to submit abstracts, even for work in progress. Our aim is to highlight current research that informs antimicrobial stewardship as well as programs or knowledge translation activities that are active in this area.

  • February 29, 2020: Abstract Due Date
  • April 10, 2020: Acceptance Notification
  • May 20-21, 2020: Conference (Edmonton)

Questions? Please contact sylvia.checkley@ucalgary.ca 

One Health, One Future

  • March 4, 2020 Deadline for registration.
  • March 11-14, 2020 One Health, One Future Conference at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska


World One Health Congress

  • June 14-June 18, 2020 World One Health Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland


Check your inbox!

Have ideas? Want to share? We want to hear from you! Please send any updates, comments, suggestions to our One Health Project Manager, Katherine Heyland, at onehealth@uoguelph.ca.


Please reply to Katherine Heyland | One Health Project Manager
heylandk@uoguelph.ca | onehealth@uoguelph.ca